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83% of Enterprises
believe it’s crucial
to develop leaders at
all levels

Hey, I know you have engineers and they’re killing it. They’re solving complex problems and shaping our world with their ideas. But let's not kid ourselves, we both know not all of them are ready to lead...yet.

Here's the Real Deal

Your engineering team is a goldmine of untapped leadership potential. In a world where everyone has technical skills, it's the people skills that make a difference.


It's the soft skills that make hard results!

Only 5% of companies implement leadership development across ALL LEVELS. 

Meaning, developing leadership in engineers gives you a significant advantage in your industry.


Now, picture this: 

Your engineers are experts in their field 


influential leaders driving your organization toward its vision and goals. 


Are you ready to unlock this potential? 


Are you prepared to create leaders out of your engineers who will drive your organization to new heights of success?


Meet WINsulting

Hey there, I’m Edwin Williams, the leadership coach behind WINsulting. 


I'm in the business of turning engineers into leaders, and it’s a game I know how to play.




Because I’ve been in the trenches myself, with a master's degree in engineering and over 13 years working alongside the big dogs like Cisco Systems and bootstrapping with the Start-Ups of Silicon Valley. 


I know the landscape, I know the challenges, and I know EXACTLY what your engineers need to take things up a notch.


But here’s the kicker - it’s not just about my experience. 


I’ve got the papers to prove it. 


I’m a  Certified John Maxwell Leadership Team Member, a Leadership Expert with The Gaard Group, a Certified DISC Trainer, a Certified Coach, and I even spend my time teaching future leaders as an Adjunct Professor at the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University. 


These roles haven’t just given me the credentials, they’ve armed me with the tools and strategies to turn your engineers into powerhouse leaders. 


It’s all about equipping them to be the best and helping them to WIN

‘cause that’s what we do at WINsulting! 



How Does It Work?

Through our WINning process, we help engineers Work on leading themselves FIRST

Then we Identify their unique leadership style using assessments

like DISC and other tools. 


And the big finish? 


We identify a real problem in your organization for them to lead, supporting them until project completion and reaching their Next leadership role.


The Impact You'll See

Here's why you should care. 


Companies investing in leadership development report a 23% increase in revenue. They're more profitable and outpace their peers by 3.5x


The time saved by effective leadership boosts productivity by 20%


These aren't just numbers, they're the reality of what leadership development can do.


Why WINsulting?

Here's the kicker, unlike other leadership development programs, WINsulting was built by an engineer for engineers. We understand your engineers’ unique challenges and opportunities because we've been there.


We're not here to create temporary leaders.


We're here to foster a leadership culture that grows and evolves within your organization. The skills we teach are integrated and sustained within your team’s day-to-day operations, ensuring the benefits aren’t just a one-off.


This isn’t just a training program – it's a game-changing journey.


Investing in your people means investing in your success. And guess what, leadership isn't just about what your engineers can do for your company, it's about what your company can do for your engineers.


And listen, we're so confident in our

WINning Leadership Development Method

that we stand by a satisfaction guarantee


If you don't see a noticeable improvement in your engineers' leadership skills, we will work with you until you do!


Yes, It's Worth It

I get it, leadership development is an investment - it needs time, resources, and commitment. 


But here's a thought:

Can you afford NOT to invest in your engineers' leadership abilities? 


With effective leadership, the time saved and efficiency gained can offset the initial investment. On average, organizations can gain

$1.50 ROI for each $1 spent on leadership development. 


Moreover, the returns in terms of productivity and positive influence on your company culture? 




Show Them You Care

"In organizations, we often hear leaders say their people are their most appreciable asset. 


That is true, but only if you appreciate people by investing in them with training, resources, and time. 


Too often leaders say they appreciate their people, but they don't show it.

If they really believed it, they would do it. 


Good leaders believe in people, believe they can change, believe they can grow, and believe they can improve. And they help them to do those things." 

-John C. Maxwell, internationally recognized leadership expert. 


Let’s show your engineers we believe in them, by investing in their growth.


So, are you ready to show your engineers just how much you believe in them? 


Are you ready to stop waiting for leaders to emerge, and start engineering them yourselves?


Enough talking - let's DO this. 


STEP 1: Fill out the below form
STEP 2: Follow me on the platforms


STEP 3: Let's Engineer Your Leadership Pipeline

We'll talk about your team, your goals, and how we can start engineering leaders within your organization. 


It’s time to transform your organization into a LEADERSHIP FACTORY!

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Help Me understand how I can help you

What best describes your current role in the engineering field?
What probem can I help you solve?
How would you rate your current level of leadership?
How do you prefer to learn/consume info?
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